
Dec 9, 2013

Lingonberry twigs -------- Puolukanvarpuja

You can still find twigs of lingonberry from the woods. So I collect a bunch and cabin´s first Christmas decorations are ready. I go with really simple things. 


Puolukanvarvuilla aloitin ja kynttilöillä jatkan. Kuusi haetaan mökillä omasta metsästä. Siis postimerkin kokoisesta ryteiköstä... Kun puu on toimittanut virkansa, paloitellaan se saunaklapeiksi. Kätevää. Mökkijoulun koristelu ei ole monimutkaista, pikemminkin luomua.
Kotona kyselin -pitäiskö olkkarin ikkunaan ripustaa joku iso paperitähti? -"Ei sun tarvi esittää. Kyllä me kaikki tiedetään et sä et oikein jaksa joulukoristeita" -vastas tytär. Leivotaan mielummin pipareita. 


  1. Kaunista, pitääkin mennä kaivelemaan varpuja meillekin :)

  2. Riikka- Hunajaista: Äkkiä! ennenkuin lumi peittää ne. Seuraavana aamuna metsä oli jo pikku lumihötön peitossa. Toin näitä kotiinkin mun "luomukoristeet" jotka taitaa jäädä ainoiksi koristeiksi ;-) Hyvää pakkasviikoa!

  3. Hauska vastaus tyttärellä! :D Onpa hyvä idea, ja voi miten kauniita asetelmia varvuista saakaan! --> Mars metsään :)

  4. Lovely feed! Greetings from Costa Rica.

  5. Kaunista saa varvuillakin aikaiseksi :)

  6. Really nice green. And love those frozzen morning photos...remind my mornings...but I use to ride a bike ;)
    Enjoy your summer cabin..;)

  7. Love especially the picture with the basket but the decoration itself is lovely too * all the best from germany, julia

  8. Hej!
    I just bought a newly produced apartment (with all the assets and the drawback that entails) that I am decorating starting from pretty much nothing. I love the clean, scandinavian style that I feel that you represent but somehow I feel like my purchases/home decor is going in another direction. And I want some advice on how to turn it over. I guess. I started out buying a sofa (thinking that I wanted something with clean lines, perhaps a wooden base...) and ended up with a dark grey howard-style sofa. To be honest I don't quite know what happened, maybe comfort happened. or prize. After the sofa I purchased a kelim rug:
    And now I'm scared that my home will end up looking much to "fussy"? I guess. I do like the warm style of companies like Svenskt tenn but I feel like a cleaner, more minimalistic style is also and perhaps more me.

    I'm sorry about this long therapeutic post, but if you have any advice on how to turn my interior style over I would be grateful forever! I know that people say that as long as you only buy things that you love it will turn out well but I live in a two room apartment and every piece of furniture makes such an impact.

    Sorry one again for this short-story of a comment..

  9. Jenni: jep! Sieltä löytyy ne kauneimmat koristeet.

    Carol: greetings back from Helsinki!

    Marru: yksinkertaiset asian ovat usein niitä kauneimpia!

    ibb: I´m slightly afraid that I ´m boring you to dead with my country side posts ;-) Still, nice to hear you liked!

    julia I mintlametta: and greetings back from Helsinki :-)

    Hilda: Hejsan!
    Home decorations made only with new, clean and simple style furnitures can be slightly boring. I like the idea of mixing old, new and something between that. If you know what I mean... So your howard-sofa and kelim rug sounds fine for me.
    For the sofa I would ad modern style (side)table (something like Hay or Muuto) And keep the basic colors simple and solid (white and grey) and avoid collecting to much stuff. And be patient don´t collect things too quickly. Buy just things you really like and remember eBay, Blocket and so on.
    Its bit tricky to trying to explain these things here, I should at least see a picture or something.
    Don´t worry I really liked your therapeutic comment ;-)

  10. simple is best. lovely greens.


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