
Jul 30, 2014

Light and space / Valoa ja tilaa

I was asked awhile ago what´s my favorite interior element in my home and said - light and space.  Same is here in our summer place. Even we don´t have much space and this not some stylish architect made house, just ordinary cottage. Both are just essential to me. Rest, that´s just furnitures.

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Jokin aika sitten minulta kysyttiin, mikä on suosikki esine tai asia kotonani, ja vastasin valo ja tila. Sama pätee mökillä, vaikka kyseessä on tuikitavallinen mäntymökki ja tilaakin on rajoitetusti. Silti, se on vastaukseni. Loput on vain huonekkaluja.


  1. Anonymous31/7/14

    You are so right! And in northern countries, the light is so intense and so beautiful ! And space is still available there, thank God ! If we would all come and live next to you, it would get crowded very quickly, but luckily we can enjoy your inspiring pictures ! Grtz, Marie

  2. And we only have light between march - september period. Winter is dark so we must enjoy the light when it´s available ;-) Tomorrow back to home. Bye bye archipelago and back to work. Greetings Marie!

  3. Anonymous31/7/14

    I love seeing the pictures that you so generously share with us. And you spur me on to be tidier, more considered, and better at getting on and finishing projects like you do, despite the many pulls on your time. Enjoy the rest of summer! with best wishes, Louise

    1. Oh Louise, what a comment - Thank you! I must admit that behind the tidy pictures is basic 3 kids daily chaos ;-)
      You too dear!

  4. Teidän mökki on kyllä super kaunis, niinkuin teidän kotikin! Pidän erityisesti tuosta penkistä :)

    1. Se on osoittautunut käytännölliseksi. Mahdumme siihen koko jengi ja kesävieraitakin on majoitettu siihen. Pitkä laverisänky, sehän se oikeastaan on. Kiitos Jutta!


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