Dec 18, 2012
grey and eggplant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - harmaata ja munakoisoa
Eggplant -that´s what I call the color of these linen duvets, looks nice with a grey and mustard.
No toys anymore, bit sad but she´s the boss here. I can still decorate here but my 9-years old daughter gives me strict advises -"keep it simple, little bit of color and please NO any of those 1920´s toys (she means some vintage tin toys what used to be here.) She starts to be tweenie.
Tytär pomottaa sisustusasioissa. Huone on hänen, joten olen altavastaajan asemassa.
"Semmosta aika yksinkertaista, jotain värejä, EI sit niitä 20-luvun leluja (vanhat peltilelut eivät enää saa olla esillä, paitsi tuo karttapallo). Jotain muutakin tuli. Ai niin, kukkia! Niitä on, mutta toisella puolella ikkunalautaa. Ihan hyvässä hengessä tämä menee -vielä.
Munakoison väriset -siksi minä tuota väriä kutsun, lakanat löysin Anttilan uudesta Anno-mallistosta (ei ole maksettu mainos -huom). Ryppyinen pellava on parasta ja sopiihan tuo munakoiso hyvin harmaaseen ja sinappiin.
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You're raising a true minimalist. I wonder who she gets that from?!:)
ReplyDeleteHI, where are the shelves on the wall from?
ReplyDeleteAika hyvä maku tyttärellä! Varmaan periytyy jostakin. :)
ReplyDeleteThats so pretty. Love the colors. Where are the beautiful eggplant linen from, if I may ask? Love the color combo! My 5 year old also wants to deside. But she thinks the more the merrier, is best:D I hope the taste chages when she gets older:)
ReplyDeleteBenita: well, let´s see what´s coming but right now she has strong taste.
ReplyDeleteShelves are vintage, I don´t know the designer. 60´s Finnish vintage.
K: no joo, ja myös voimas tahto.
Hanne: I didn´t link the shop where I bought the linen because they don´t ship abroad.
I remember when she was 5 all she wanted was Hello Kitty stuff, so be just patient ;)
Love the yellow, grey and eggplant combination. One day she will asks for those toys again :)
ReplyDeletela casita: I hope so. I have saved all the best toys, books etc. So when she grow up she gets a box filled with her little clothes, toys and books, the old favorites.
ReplyDeleteHappy X-mas season to you!
lovely, as always. i would love to be able to have my kids' rooms like yours. where is the clock from please?
ReplyDeleteas they get older they tend to do away with a lot of their toys. i have one with lego everywhere and the other 2 younger ones with lots of little toys - littlest petshop especially.
Ihanan selkeää mutta asutun näköistä.
ReplyDeleteMistä mahtaa olla tuo kello? Kaipaisin jotain tuon tyylistä työhuoneeseeni.
Sara: we have three kids and this our daughters room, mostly it´s quite tidy but she has lot´s of girls knick knacks which usually are all over the room: nail polish, hair stuff, drawings etc.
ReplyDeleteOur two boys share one room and its full of Legos and Brio´s train parts. So this was just the neat part ;)
Clock is from Ikea.
onshore: Sekeää kun on juuri siivottu. No ei, kyllä tyttäreni on aika tarkka, mutta normaalisti huone on täynnä kaikkea pikku sälää: piirustuksia, pinneja, koruja jne. Se on Ikeasta. Vanha, mutta varmaan vieläkin valikoimassa.
ReplyDeleteMistä olet hankkinut tuon ihanan tähden ikkunaan?
Se on vanha, 60-luvun joulutähti, äitini antoi sen ja taitaa olla mummoni vanha. Lähes vastaavia taitaa saada Stockalta.
ReplyDeleteonko tuo lattia linoleumia? Jos se on, niin mistähän olette sen hankkineet vai onko se ihan sitä alkuperäistä...? Mietin uuden asunnon lattioita ja linoleum voisi olla yksi mahdollisuus. Tasavärisenä, ehdottomasti! ;)
I'm curious what is in the frame. Looks really nice!
ReplyDeleteTiine: Se on kumia, aika samaa kun se kolikkomatto. Tätä oli aikoinaan eri väreissä ja yllättäen valitisn harmaan ; ) Firmaa joka möi ei ole enään, valitan.
ReplyDeleteFemine 23: It´s old Therese Sennerholt´s poster (Sweets dreams are made of you)
Minna, thank you so much for getting back to me about the clock. I adore your blog. I have to realise people take photos of the tidy and nice parts of their homes! I still wonder at how I can trim down the furniture and belongings in my home.
ReplyDeleteSara: yes, only the tidy and nice parts. The real life is somewhere else, not here ; )
ReplyDeleteThink what you really need and like and then just start to organize. Thank you!
Niinpä, lapset kasvavat ja heillä on oma makunsa. Voisi olla todella vaikeaa vanhemmalle, jonka olisi vaikea sulattaa värikkyyttä esim. valkoisessa sisustuksessa. Tätä olen ohimennen ajatellut sisustuslehtiä ym. katsellessani ja mm. niiden vauvaperheiden kotien esittelyjä, joissa lelutkin ovat mustia tai valkoisia...:)
ReplyDeleteNice but but...does a kid live in there? where are the drawings? Lego? Messy corners?
ReplyDeleteWell, this is the cleaned room and she not very messy little lady. All the knick knacks are on the left corner, there where you don´t see it. Don´t worry, she lives here.
ReplyDeletewhat a cool girl;)
ReplyDeleteHi I wonder where the bed is from?
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas fra Copenhagen
Annie: yes, she is ;)
ReplyDeletedinBabuska: It´s from a Recycle Renter ( a kind of cheap flea market in Helsinki) I just paint it to grey.
Lovely ♥
ReplyDeletewhere is the cushion from please?
Thank you in advance,
Hello, your blog is really beautiful to look through. I visited Helsinki last year for work and just loved it! I would love to get back with my family and show the, around your beautiful country. Just a quick question. Can you please tell me where you got the 4 layer shelves for the bedroom above? We are renovating my soon to be teenagers bedroom and they look great. I am from Australia, so I will try to find something similar here. Thank you, Kind regards, Deborah.
ReplyDeleteDeborah: Thank you :) They are vintage and sadly I don´t know the name or manufacturer, sorry. I know they are from 60´s and Finnish but that´s all. I really hope that you have possibility to come to Finland someday. We have really beautiful archipelago so if you have time or possibility, I recommend to visit there. All the best!